Amityville 4 :The Evil Escapes

Amityville 4 :The Evil Escapes.  (Color, 1989, Live Rifftrax)  The plot: haunted house in Amityville has a garage sale. Turns out the house wasn’t really haunted, just a dumb lamp, which is purchased and shipped to California, where an annoying family, with no father, is moving in with their grandmother, no grandfather, when the lamp arrives. Assume haunting will follow, and probably everyone will die or be possessed or something.  I def think it’ll be a bloodbath and almost everyone will die. Ok, 40mins into ep. the grandmother is kind of a bitch and the family is her daughter and 3 kids whose dad is dead. But he's also a lamp. My Father The Floorlamp, also a good title. This little brother kid with the insane hair and calculator watch seems like an easy kill, even for a lamp. 

I am a lamp; I am your father; I am a lamp; I am your father...
How this kid got out unscathed is beyond me.

I'm well into movie now. Lamp killed woman who bought it, killed cleaning woman, killed plumber, killed a bird, possessed a child and hurt a lady's hand. A priest is eventually stabbed as well, but he shakes it off. Ok, movie over. I wouldn’t call it much of an ending. Scary lamp, throw lamp out of window. That’s the whole plot. And the cat thing at the last minute, wtf? Anyway, I thought this was probably upper second tier. Rifftrax has had a few really exceptional ones lately, like Dangerous Men and Plankton, it’s a shame they went with a less funny movie for the live show. Movie—-second tier.

Notes on live show and short with Amityville 4, On stage Bill enters in a Grim Reaper-type black hooded robe, with skeleton gloves and a skull mask. It’s pretty great. Once he gets the mask off, his forehead is bleeding, like he really banged it into something shortly before the show. It’s not profuse and it doesn’t seem like it will be mentioned. Didn’t Bill also fall down some stairs before one of these live shows as well? Weird. I hope it’s not a Luka situation where Mike and Kevin are abusing Bill. Seems unlikely. Anyway, I guess I gotta cover the short too. It’s called 

“It’s Your Mistake”. It’s late 60s or early 70s. Washed out color, but color. Ok, so far: A guy hangs a sign. A guy’s car won’t start. The music is Albert Glasser level intense. It’s practically Stravinsky’s Rites of Spring as a girl brings the guy whose car won’t start a tomato 🍅.  Just a single, loose tomato, from her bare hand into his as he’s driven to work by the other weirdo that hung the sign. I should stop writing every single thing that happens.  But so far so good. Also the guy with the tomato has a metal lunchbox he can put that tomato in. Ok, now going back to watching, 8mins in. And 21mins in and this is a very ridiculous short. Also it really seemed like a good time for a He tried to kill me with a forklift callback, but fine. That’s over. I’d say it is a top tier short—weird, fixated on tomatoes and featuring a forklift chase and overly dramatic music. Top Tier.

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