The Giant of Marathon

The Giant of Marathon (The Film Crew) color, 1959.   Basically a Hercules movie.  There’s a super hot blonde but she’s promised to marry an asshole. Typical plot.  Everyone immediately falls in love. Herc is named Philipides I think. There’s a bunch of crap about Sparta and Marathon. Do these sword and sandal movies ever really have a plot? Some hot ladies fight over Herc and sometimes even drug him or cast some magic spell. In the meantime Sparta or somebody is attacking and there’s a war. I’m 40mins in. It’s been ok, fun and funny enough. The evil girl looks like the Joker. Andromeda is super hot.  Athens, Sparta blah blah blah. Catapults. Lots of horses.  So many horses getting hurt.  Herc drags his horse into a flowing river and lets him get washed away.  Now Herc has no horse.  He’s just running a lot now. Idiot shouldn’t have drowned his horse.  The amount of gay jokes is too much. . Also too many guys in diapers.  It’s over. I’m not sure how to rank this one. It was pretty good, not great. I guess it’s second tier.

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