The Room

The Room (2003 color Rifftrax, studio but live script.)  This is one of the dumbest movies ever made. First sex scene is almost immediate and revolting. The blonde in this is playing the part like she’s super hot. She isn’t. Movie is straight soap opera except worse. Another sex scene 18mins in, so 2 already. The plot....I mean.... basically the creepiest guy in existence is cheated on. Blonde gf sleeps with his best friend. Then she gets him drunk. Third sex scene 26mins in. These are all gross. Lisa’s mother just casually revealed cancer and Lisa said she shouldn’t worry about it. I can't finish watching this.  Ok, I’m back and I found a copy with the bootleg live audio. Tempted to skip the first 26minutes but I guess I’ll start from the top.  This movie really is extremely terrible. Such bad writing and acting. I’m back on sex scene  #2 on the stairs. Better than the first since gristly Tommy isn’t in it.  Riffing is ok. Tough to do during sex scenes. Mostly pretty funny.  Third sex scene, same as first but drunk.  Two new random people have wandered into the Room to eat chocolate and have sex, I guess. Lisa’s mom is really annoying. Is there a plot? Wait! Denny is in trouble with drugs or money.  Everyone’s on the roof now.  Jesus, Lisa’s mother is screaming at Denny. Denny bought drugs because he needed to borrow some money. Or something. It’s ridiculous. Why are these fucking idiots tossing around a football wearing tuxedos?...  And now another sex scene. Mark and Lisa now.  Lol. I forgot he shot himself! Hahaha! Tommy killed himself! Lol . This is pretty funny but the movie and sex scenes go on and on. It is classic in the sense that the movie is a masterpiece of crap and ineptitude. But it still isn’t one of my favs. Liked the live riff. 2nd tier—-just not a personal fav.

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