Yor Hunter from the Future, Rifftrax 1983 color. One of the only movies I have owned or seen prior to riffing. I had a vhs screener copy of this terrible movie on the same tape as a great movie called Trust directed by Hal Hartley. Years ago it occurred to me that Yor might just be a guy named Roy with dyslexia. But Yor is another Conan rip-off. Damn, I think Yor is the guy from Space Mutiny! Slab Fistcrunch! Or something. He just killed a dinosaur and is drinking the blood. There are regular cave people like Yor, and there are planet of the apes cave people. They’re fighting. There’s a hot girl. I hope Yor’s hair is a wig. He wears a medallion everyone is fascinated by. He killed a big Prehistoric Bat and is using it as a hang glider. Lol. I think mummies are attacking him now. The mummies took him to a cave with a blonde in lingerie wearing a similar medallion. The blonde really isn’t very pretty. The brunette is ok. Both are in skimpy clothes. They’re all on a raft now. Blonde is actually too skinny, brunette is def better. Well, blonde is dead, so whatever. Yor just killed a big turtle or frog or something. The movie does look pretty good. Locations are great and good picture. Lasers just shot from the sky. Yor isn’t very “from the future” so far. Wait. Cape-less Darth Vader robots have suddenly shown up. They have a globe thing like the witch on wizard of oz had. Jeez, now there’s an Overlord and robots and guys all in white with red sashes. There are turtleneck robots too; like if the penis headed robot from Starcrash had a immobile foreskin. Yor, guy in a tube. Now they’re on the set of Space Mutiny I think! Some trapeze work. They’re blowing up the Space Mutiny set! But I guess Yor and the brunette fly away on a space jet? A narrator suddenly shows up in the last 2 minutes to explain and sum up but I don’t know what happened. This is a very funny one. Top tier.
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