The Shape of Things To Come

Stealth and agility, that's what you want in a killer robot.

This is review for the RIFFTRAX version. It has been announced that this same movie will be in MST3K season 13. It is certainly a great choice, but a shame it has now already been done...

The Shape of Things To Come (1979 color Rifftrax.) HG Wells writing credit, but only about one paragraph. This is a fun one. So ok, here's the movie: text at start (like Star Wars) saying there was a robot war, so mankind obviously moved to the moon, like in Moon Zero Two. Humanity is dependent on a drug called RADIC-Q-2, which is only produced on planet DELTA-3--which is not a COVID variant. After text, we’ve got the customary Star Wars opening shot of a fake model spaceship slowly flying overhead meant to make it look huge. It looks like a model. Yes! A narrator! Narrators are great. Only 2mins 30secs in, but it looks like a higher budget Space Mutiny set—where the dead girl worked. This is the Moon Base. Everyone has matching jumpsuits! One guy’s jumpsuit has weird lung shapes on his chest. Where his lungs are. I didn’t watch Buck Rogers in the 21st Century in the late 70s, early 80s, but this was its aesthetic. Good so far.  10mins in and we have Jack Palance. He lives over on Delta3 and wears a pale purple cape and big brooch. I’m not sure yet, but I think this might be an Adam West Zombie Nightmare situation where Palance phones it in from whatever location he was in. Lots of big clunky robots, incl a suicide robot. Douglas Adams would have loved that. On Delta3 there’s some people in red jumpsuits. One guy looks like Zach Braff a little. Now Luke-at-my-lungs and suicideR2 are joyriding in a Jeep on Earth while shrubs keep watching them. Never mind, the shrubs are children in disguise. They have radiation poisoning and also wigs. A guy on the ship is also radiated and dying, I guess. Wasn't there a narrator at the beginning of this movie? What the hell is the plot of this anyway? Where is Palance? I mean, I know he’s in that room that he never leaves, but they haven’t cut to him lately. Lol, slow motion… the fx in this are really bad. Worse than Starcrash.  Weird long freak out scene.  Hey, there's Jack Palance in that room looking at a monitor! These robots are pointless. Wtf, whoa! Jack Palance’s hologram is rotating in the sky now. Lol. Hey the irradiated doctor has actually gone to Palance’s location! Lol! Oh man, wow, that doctor is dead now. And Palance is bonked on the head and explodes, the end. Yeah, I think it’s probably top tier. Robot Holocaust is probably a prequel? Seems like ideal double feature with MST3K Starcrash. Top Tier. 

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