Women of the Prehistoric Planet

Mst3k 104 Color, 1965.  Great space ship movie. The ideal ep has a movie that already makes you laugh and this one does. Angel from the Rockford Files! Entertaining movie on its own, like an episode of Star Trek. Plus giant lizards all in color. Sharp picture but the color is a bit off. But all good sound and picture and very funny riffing. Also there’s the whole disarm the explosive device thing going on on the Satellite of Love. Mike as doomsday device voice. 
Josh's Tom Servo voice reminded me of Jonah at times. But Jonah on muscle relaxers.
Movie keeps getting weirder. Joel is all over the theater. There’s a Quincy riff too! The movie has turned into Blue Lagoon in space. Linda is really hot. Wendell Corey is in this. I know him from the Elvis movie Loving You from 10yrs earlier. The guys are joking that he seems drunk, but he probably was really drunk—he died only 3 years after this movie in 1968 of cirrhosis of the liver. The same year he also appeared in Agent for HARM in season 8. Linda is naked now, so that’s good. Linda, by the way, is Irene Tsu and she was in the Elvis movie Paradise Hawaiian Style the same year, 1966. She also dated Frank Sinatra.   Movie slows down a little but picks up again in final movie segment. Still a very fun episode. Hykeeba!  Rewatch   I like this one. The idea is that all the aliens in the movie are actually just Asian people. Seriously. Linda is hot. Linda and Tang get to live happily ever after.  This isn’t the best riffing but it’s a perfect mst movie. I think it’s still in my top tier.

Irene Tsu has also been in a few Star Trek TV shows, like Voyager.  She also looks nice shirtless. Enjoy.

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